Aaarrggghhh! I thought that was the cherry filling!
My Name is of No Consequence
JoinedPosts by My Name is of No Consequence
Hematogen—a Delicious Russian Candy Bar Made With Blood
by minimus ini bet witnesses in russia stay away from chocolate candy bars.
you can get these treats in russia, new york and on amazon.
My Name is of No Consequence
McFarland Fx W. Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses, Lorain Ohio, 2016
by dropoffyourkeylee injust stumbled across this record of a child abuse case in ohio which apparently went to the ohio supreme court:.
My Name is of No Consequence
Interesting...I don't live too far from there.
Even my old KH for sale...
by snare&racket ini happened to be in my old town last week, i decided to drive past my old kh in,.
to my suprise there was a large 'for sale' sign hanging off it!.
this is a semi-remote area with the nearest other kh's a good 30 mins in every direction.
My Name is of No Consequence
My boyhood hall will be going up for sale, if it hasn't already. I don't know how I feel about that to be quite honest. Lots of memories. Some good, some bad.
"Be Strong!"---SAD
by eyeuse2badub inattended the sad yesterday with my wife.
bethel speaker flown in to california which made it "special".
(his talks were infomercial bs, but at least he was a good speaker.
My Name is of No Consequence
So in other words, nothing new at the ASSembly.
Qualifying For A Kingdom Hall Funeral
by minimus inone of the most despicable things i can remember is having the elders determining whether or not you “qualified” for proper funeral services in a kingdom hall and if the talk could be given by an elder.
people are hurting terribly and the family is then told, even though the deceased was a member of the congregation, they still weren’t good enough to qualify for proper burial services per the congregation!
My Name is of No Consequence
I probably wouldn't qualify for a KH funeral.
My Name is of No Consequence
@ RubaDub...
and to make him an honorary GB member.
Racist Air
by Tobyjones262 inso now whites are to blame for pollution.
lol these idiot libtards are pushing trump for the win every day.
so all whites are to blame if one factory owner is white but a black who runs a drug cartel whites are still to blame.
My Name is of No Consequence
It's safe to assume that David Duke didn't write that article.
Be Bold Circult assembly
by Rattigan350 inat the 2018-2019 be bold circult assembly yesterday.
yes, curcult, change the i to an l. because when they have 2 demonstrations about youths not going to university and another talk says for adults at work to be bold and refuse birthday treats being given away, it shows so much pettiness and lack of real concern for the people.. i was actually looking forward to the ca because a week before tornadoes went through our circuit and passed 2 miles by a kingdom hall and less than 1 mile by another that had meetings that afternoon.
i was expecting the circult overseer to give a report on it.
My Name is of No Consequence
Circult? More like Circlejerk
Do You Take Any Special Vitamins or Meds That You Would Recommend?
by minimus inas we get older , we tend to feel the aches and pains or some tiredness like never before.. i have some friends who are in excellent condition and i’ve asked what their secret was.. some swear by cbd oil as a cure all for aches and localized pain.
greek yogurt is a natural food that can attack gut fat as does taking probiotics.
have you found anything that makes you more energized?
My Name is of No Consequence
One-a-Day multi-vitamin